3"+ Bowenite Crystal | generator | obelisk | wand | point | healing | Altar Piece | Natural Gemstone | Energy | Pagan | Wicca | Occult

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Bowenite is a compact variety of Serpentine, long used for jewlry, tools, and weapons. This is known as the stone of love and friendship yet its also a powerful protective energy shield. Bowenite may assist in releasing suppressed emotions by healing them through your dreams. Bring success and move forward with this beautiful stone

Black Tourmaline Obelisk Point

Crystal healing wands gather and direct energy. The shape of a crystal wand enables the stone or crystal to direct its healing energy as the wand's point focuses the crystal's energy on specific areas of the body or etheric field. You receive one of these pretties, similar to ones pictured.

Approx 3"

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