Bloodstone provides lots of primal energy, giving one a great boost while undertaking large projects. It increases confidence and surety of mind, dispelling negative energy, ensuring unimpeded forward progress enabling one to overcome any challenge that may be presented. This stone has a strong focus on cleansing and energizing blood, along with keeping the reproductive system for both male and female in tip-top shape.
Tumbled stone, small wand or freeform of Bloodstone can be taped to the inside wrist overnight. This will ensure the blood passes by the stone and is cleansed many times through the course of an evening. Thus the body gains a tune-up while asleep! Have a Bloodstone on your person while on big challenging projects, and times where courage is required. Meditating with this stone will bring clarity and surety in any given situation.
Sizes vary: approximately 2"
Double Terminated Bloodstone Point
Crystal healing wands gather and direct energy. The shape of a crystal wand enables the stone or crystal to direct its healing energy as the wand's point focuses the crystal's energy on specific areas of the body or etheric field. You receive one of these pretties, similar to ones pictured.