2 3/4"+ Garnet Crystal | generator | obelisk | wand | point | healing | Altar Piece | Natural Gemstone | Energy | Pagan | Wicca | Occult

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Garnet is a crystal of inspiration and emotional healing. It encourages love, kindness, and compassion, and promotes self-worth and spiritual growth. It is especially helpful in recovery of sexual abuse, guilt or shame.

It is believed that Garnet provides a protective influence and a calming stable vitality during use. It is thought to heal emotional problems. Placed under a pillow, Garnet is reputed to alleviate bad dreams. Medicine men used it to cure mental depression.

Garnet Obelisk Point

Crystal healing wands gather and direct energy. The shape of a crystal wand enables the stone or crystal to direct its healing energy as the wand's point focuses the crystal's energy on specific areas of the body or etheric field Small and cute Garnet points. You receive one of these pretties, similar to ones pictured.

Approx 2"

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